"Someday's gonna be a busy day..."

Friday 20 September 2013

The Write Stuff


You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. It's not because I don't want to; in fact, I've been writing endless blog entries in my head, most of which never get transferred to paper or laptop. Yeah, you're welcome. I just wanted you to know that I'm not being lazy and I haven't developed a hatred of blogging or writer's block or anything like that. In fact...I've been writing a book.


Want proof? Here:

I just printed out the first draft, which is pretty freaking cool, but also means I have pretty freaking crazy editing ahead of me now. The fun part was writing it all down; the scary part comes next.

I'm going to continue to blog as much as I can. It's just that I feel enormous obligation to my book, now that it's done, to work on getting it to a place where I feel it's ready to publish. So blogging, sadly, comes in at around fifth place in the I'll-get-around-to-it race, after kids and sleep and husband and my book.

Just wanted to let you know so you don't abandon Someday!

1 comment:

Lily Whalen said...

So excited for you, Kimber! Don't worry, you won't lose me! Also, you've inspired me to follow through on my plan for this fall, which was to dust off my first novel, finish it up and get started on the rewrites. So, this afternoon, after my book club meeting, I'll be printing off what I've got so far, rereading it and working towards the ending. I haven't blogged anything for the last week (not because I've been writing, but because we've had a lot of computer issues at home), and I know how blogging can get in the way of writing anything else.