Okay Mrs. S - you asked for it, so you're gettin' it. Fresh off the press: a baby Jade story! (Hey, I'm only breaking the no-baby-in-blog rules for Mrs. S. She's from Scotland. I can't turn down a long-distance request, can I?)
Grandma Lowry made Jady Lady an exquisite green dress a month ago after hearing me rant and rave about how I couldn't stand seeing her in one more pink outfit. Seriously - I open her drawer and behold! A sea of pink. People have been so generous with clothing and I know I shouldn't complain. It's just that...I've always liked pink, and now I'm veering into "I HATE PINK" territory, which is a shame. It's too lovely colour to loathe.
In desperation, I went to the only baby shop in Kincardine, a lovely boutique called Rolz and Sassy (after the owner's kids), and bought Jade a pair of cobalt blue pants and a jade green kimono style shirt. Seeing her in it made me sigh with relief. Until, that is, D arrived home, took one look at his daughter and said, "Kim, she looks like a boy in that outfit." *sigh*
So Grandma showed up one day with this adorable green dress. It's got little flowers embroidered on it, a lace collar that makes Jade look a bit like Queen Elizabeth and a dainty little white slip underneath. But the BEST part is the mennonite-style bonnet with white ribbons, which Jade attempts to eat every chance she gets.
We took her to church rigged up in her new outfit and of course received the requisite cooing, gooing and giggling from all Grandma's friends. It did my heart good to see Grandma showing off her little granddaughter in her pretty dress. Grandma had three boys, so having two granddaughters is setting things even for her.
Our church is small, closely knit congregation and kids are always welcome, even when they're screaming, running up the aisles or asking questions in very loud voices throughout the sermon. I'm happy to report that Miss Jady lady was a well-behaved little church mouse all through the service. The best part? We started singing the first hymn; Jade looked up at me, smiled a big gummy smile, and promptly fell asleep with the grin still pasted on her face. Guess all the singing D has done for her is paying off.
And contrary to the picture, she really, really likes her dress!
WellKimber! I'm so proud of Jade - I'm going to adopt her as 'my little blog God-daughter' if you've no objections, Kimber! She's gorgeous - even when she's not too happy! I love her dress and I think it's wonderful that you're not totally into 'designer labels' and have made plenty room for 'made with love by grandma' labels - long may it continue. Thank you for showing us how well Jade is developing into a stylish little missy. Thanks for your story too. Any blog God-daughter of mine just to be wonderful xx
She is too sweet, Kimmy. I love hearing stories about Jade. I miss the baby days sometimes, cuz around all I have are loud teenagers.
I had a sea of pink outfits when my girls were little. Then, my cousin Tanya gave Jessica a sweet handmade floral print with the old fashioned bonnet. It quickly became one of my fav outfits.
The word verification is pride. Lol.
Hi Kimber ... yes, Jade looks very cute, despite her crying.
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